Design and construction of infrastructure for industrial developments
Del MOnte Reefer Worksop
Location: Liverpool, Limón. Description: Operation, container maintenance and logistics workshops for the Del Monte vehicle fleet in Costa Rica. Scope: Design and construction of medium and low voltage electrical infrastructure for container workshops.
SAE-a Spinning
Location: Coris, Carthage. Description: Manufacturing plant of textile threads. Scope: Construction of medium voltage electrical infrastructure for an installed capacity of 6 MVA.
Zona Franca Bes
Location: Coyol, Alajuela.
Description: Free Zone
Scope: Design and construction of medium and low voltage infrastructure, telecommunications and mechanics. Area: 46,000m2.
Location: San José.
Description: Tempered glass plant.
Scope: medium and low voltage electrical installations for tempered glass plant. Installed power 2.5 MVA.
+506 4404-7600
Adreess / Location:
Última Park 2, Bodega 23, Guachipelín, Escazú, Costa Rica